Monday, February 19, 2018

Olympics and a Little Stitching

I hope you have been enjoying watching the Olympics as much as we have.  I always say I like winter Olympics better than summer ones.  It's probably because it's cold and gloomy outside and this is a great way to see wonderful athletes compete and exceed in less than balmy conditions.  While I grumble and moan about the snow and the wind, they let it energize them.

Saturday morning I made my coffee, happy to realize that I had a full day of stitching and sports watching in front of me.  I had decided earlier that this was the weekend for a good pot of chili and a nice warm quilt to stitch.  Nothing was going to dynamite me out of the house.

My daughter and her bulldog Baby came over for a while in the morning.  By the time they got there we were in the midst of a beautiful snowglobe type of snow.  Oscar was glad he got to have a playmate to romp around outside with. The snow only lasted about an hour but it was long enough for the dogs to get wet and tired from their play.

After they left I got started putting the last few borders on the quilt for my grandson.  I pieced the back all together and then came to a stopping point because the packages of batting that I had were too small.  A larger one would require a trip to my local quilt shop and I wasn't going out the door.

Annoyed I pulled out my knitting and settled in to watch some figure skating.  A few days before I had started knitting a shawl and it was coming along nicely.  I don't know about you but I can't just watch tv.  My hands have to be busy.  I could have picked up some hand quilting to work on but at the moment the cat was settled into the middle of that project snoring softly.

So while the chili bubbled on the stove and the skaters blades flew over the ice a world away, my fingers were kept busy with yarn and needles.  A lovely way to spend a late afternoon.  The sunset was lovely too. 

Warmer weather and wind have melted much of our snow but rain and ice are predicted here in Iowa for tonight and tomorrow.  I hope you all keep warm and have something satisfying to occupy yourself with.

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