Monday, February 17, 2014

An Unexpected Gift

There was a stillness in the air like sometimes happens when a heavy snow is falling.  I stood for a few minutes and watched it fall, heavy and white against the trees, blanketing everything with a crystal sheen.  Beautiful!  I drank in the few moments of stillness before I went inside to begin my work day.  In the midst of the usual Monday morning chaos - that unexpected stillness was a gift.
May your Monday be filled with the peace of silent nature!


  1. Gorgeous morning, though a bit trying to get to work! I love the stillness

    1. It was a trial getting here! It was hard to see the lanes cause of all the snow. The sun's shining now though!

  2. Ginney, I came by to thank you for your kind comment on my blog. Since your settings are for "noreply", I can not respond to your comment on my blog via email.
    Your snowy photo is beautiful!
